2014.8.1 summary weekly report

就不讲其他与工作无关的事情了,今天是星期五,照例,weekly report:下面是我的邮件:
Hi all:
This week:
1. Update the sign bat, we could now auto-sign or sign by ourselves. The process description is in https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/ie8c/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc={DECB6BD3-4102-494E-947C-2AD81498428A}&file=Build%20environment.one&action=default
2. Optimize the build process, if there is no checkin, we will not build the system.
3. Using Magellan to complete the code coverage first version, it could now send code coverage report daily, but the accuracy is not correct every time. The process description is in https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/ie8c/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc={DECB6BD3-4102-494E-947C-2AD81498428A}&file=Build%20environment.one&action=default
You could view the update history documents in https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/ie8c/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc={63D25BED-82A6-4A75-AA2F-70FCC06005C2}&file=Update%20history%20by%20tony&action=default
You could view the whole build process in https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/ie8c/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc={85B02C9A-3E0B-4890-BC30-434EAECB48F7}&file=Build%20System%20design%20process%20for%20DeviceHealth2.0.docx&action=default

Next week:
1. Optimize the code coverage, and to ensure its accuracy.
2. Review the whole build system and make it easy to adapt other systems.

Shuaiqi Xia (Tony)
TEL: +86 15805197235

下午,错过了一个和yongdong face to face交流的机会,但晚上吃饭,KTV,聊天还是很开心,it deserves.


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