2014.7.18 summary, weekly report

Ash.. Feel stressed and unhappy.
Blow is my email to everyone in the team. It seems that James not knowing what I am doing and he might think my process is slow. damn it….

Hi all:
During the past week. What I have done are as follows.
1. I wrote an auto check history program, which could check if there is any check-in, modify or other changes to the Device Health. And then generate a report to every member of the team.
2. I also developed an auto-build program, which could build the whole system and record the errors and warnings during the build process. The process are as below:
a) Build the whole system in 16 different versions.
b) Analysis the errors and warnings during the build process.
c) Package the errors and warnings as an email and then send to every member of the Device Health.
d) Copy the already built project to \\stcsrv-g39\DeviceHealth_V2

Note: the build system is auto-run every 6 hours.

Plan for next week:
1. Auto run unit test, analysis the result and send to every member of the team.
2. Caculate the code coverage and make a report.

Shuaiqi Xia (Tony)
TEL: +86 15805197235

Here is another mail I send to the Device Health Team…

Hi all:
Due to mine unfamiliar with developing such a kind of build system, I feel sorry for the slow process. But, some functions could be used currently.
First of all, every 6 hours the system will auto check the changes of Device Health, to see if there is any check-in, delete, modify. And then send an email to all of you.
Besides, the Device Health will auto build every 6 hours to 16 different versions. And the errors and warnings during the build process will be sent to you after my analysis, where some unmeaningful warnings will be filtered.
Everyone could check the Device Health in \\stcsrv-g39\DeviceHealth_V2

My plan for next week is to develop the auto-UT and to get the code coverage. I will try my best to do my work quickly and efficiently.
If you have any questions or suggestions or other requirements, please contact me.

Best regards,

Shuaiqi Xia (Tony)
TEL: +86 15805197235

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2014.7.18 summary, weekly report》有 1 条评论

  1. alice 说:

    don’t worry. things would work out. and enjoy ur weekend.^^


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